Marital not interested in the marriage

Q: My husband has become so hostile towards me. He cannot find a job and blames me for that, as I have misplaced his CV. I tried creating one again, but he says it is not the same. He is helping a family with only women, mostly with his money, but then I have to help him pay the debt. His family spoke to him about a non-mahram woman but he told me that if that is a problem, he will marry the woman so that it is not an issue. When I tell him to leave me, he says he will but I must give him a chance to stay at my house till he finds a job. He maintains that he will not free me, even after he leaves. Now I hear remarks from my family that he wants to inherit from me. Can I sell one of my assets, even if I make a loss and give him his share of inheritance, instead of him waiting for me to die. It is very, very painful to see my husband go to these people. The mother and other members of the family calls him to help them (that is the reason he says he goes there). I can be spiteful and sell all my assets and give it to my children whilst I am still alive, but it would be at such a loss. I only have two more years to work and he is cross because I could not get a loan for a franchise for him, even if I put all my assets as security. He accuses me of boycotting the process. I tell him that Allah (Ta'ala) has saved me instead, as he is not really interested in staying with me. Please advise as to what to read, what amaal to do, how to handle the situation.

A: Under the circumstance, I suggest that you ask him to live elsewhere and not to live with you in your house.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
